Thursday, August 7, 2008


Most people back off when you offer them a hit from a can of Sardines. But along with some crackers/chips and a coldie they make for an epic tailgate grind between Summer sessions.
And they pack for travel anywhere easy.
Plus, being really low on the food chain makes for much lower mercury content than tuna, etc. And they're a great source of Omega-3 fats.

But don't just take my word for it:

But seriously... first time, try skinned & boneless (as pictured at top). In any case, packed in olive oil is a good way to go.



resintint said...

Used to scarf those dines down on toast when I was a kid, will revisit on yer recommendation brother...need them Omega 3's yo.

Kirk said...

you're a champ RT, I love me the 'dines much to my child's horror. I roll with the Moroccan spicy but the old classic Norwegian in oil work fine. Corn chips and a IPA are the best compliments

R.T. said...

you were a core kid! i find most adults are put off by the 'dines because of presumptions of them being gross held on to since childhood. glad to be a reminder. and the 3-fats is damn good to keep the surfin' joints lubed.

stoked to prove a champ to a kiwi, kirk! i'll look for the moroccan spicy. thanks for the tip. yep, seems there's always a beer involved, and something about eating them under a hot sun with salt in the ears and a little dirt on the bare feet always seems just right. been diggin' mine most on saltines. tell your kid i said, "bottoms up!"