Saturday, December 8, 2007


...The Growlers playing live to a projection of a trailer for the "The Tyler Warren Experiments" a film by John Smart expected to release Summer 2009.



J.SMART FILMS... said...

Thank you very much... looks great... nice and gritty. Almost better than the real thing.

unidentified said...

really nice RT.
Seems a short film in it's own.
Where the band stops and talks, the whole deal.

R.T. said...

thank you to both of you.

yeah John, while i'm not married to it stylistically, i do love grit. thanks for showing that last night. i'm looking forward to seeing the finished film.

as you note, WJ, the part where they are between songs in the opening titles— such a good point for that to have happened. especially with the ringing out of the first song's end over the slomo tube. and it's rad that by chance they jumped into a new song just at the right moment when the surfing starts up again. I dig it when things fall into sync by their own ryhthm of chance, as all of the above did.

J.SMART FILMS... said...

my thoughts exactly...