Friday, January 18, 2008

1/10 OF 1% = 1/10 SHY OF ZERO% = ZERO EASY ANSWERS (State Parks/Beaches Info)

For those that haven't seen it yet, and are interested, there's a map on the Irresponsible Politics post at the Everyone Surfs blog that shows which Southland beaches/parks face proposed closure, and which ones face proposed lifeguard cuts. Looks like the beach I mentioned in the
LAST ACTION ZERO? post is not on the closure list, but faces lifeguard cuts. Which brings me to one of earliest thoughts about layoffs...
If there is a decrease in lifeguard presence on the state beaches during the summer, will there be increased areas and hours of blackball to compensate for the state's interpretation of public "safety"?

Some additional notes cited from a January 12th article, by Paul Rogers of San Jose's The Mercury News, that can be linked to from the Everyone Surfs post:
The gates of closed parks would be locked in 2009, and would reopen someday when the budget improves.
The plan would shutter nearly one in five of California 278 state parks - from the towering trees of Del Norte Redwoods State Park near Oregon to the wide sandy beaches of Silver Strand State Beach in San Diego.
State Senate President Don Perata, D-Oakland, said Friday....
"While lamentable, park closures must be weighed against the many other immediate difficult choices we have," he said, "such as reducing funding for education, giving early releases to prison inmates and taking dental care away from the poor."
Yet those closings, along with the proposed elimination of the jobs of 136 rangers and other parks staff, would only eliminate one-tenth of 1 percent of the state deficit, critics noted.


unidentified said...

Funny how, at the same time this is happening, they have plans for new
state beach/park projects.
Thy governments name is "Sisyphus".
I suppose the aforementioned new projects will take a much loved back seat.

Anonymous said...

Danny said...

“It’s called a budget proposal,” Schwarzenegger told the editorial board of the Bee on Wednesday. “…What I was doing with this budget is just say, ‘Here’s the reality,’ and the reality will rattle the cage.”

From the link above. This is silly, we voted for a governor to lead the state, not a consultant to sit back and point out problems for others to solve.

Anonymous said...

excellent point about the governator, but why should other members of our state gov. not act as leaders though?
it is ridiculous to "rattle the cage", but sometimes that is what it takes for those other members of the state legislature to step up and be accountable for their respective areas. it's just another government/media stunt...let's hope.