. . Elias Crouch of Crouch Craft surfboards in Northern California... .. Knows when to get weird... . . Knows when to get fruity... . . And knows when to keep it real... . . . All photos snagged from the Crouch Craft website and flickr photostream. . . . .
. . . Funny how you can be beckoned into the lineup by a few good ones— the likes of which remain elusive all session... perpetually evaporating just one sandbar away. Regardless of the cat and mouse game, good to finally get wet with a little energy in the water after such a long parched stretch of nothin'. . . . .
. .. How many times have I ended up the only one out in the dusk lineup because I told myself, "Just one more," and paddled back out after a perfectly good wave to end on... And how many of those times have I paddled back out just in time for a lull in the sets... And how many of those lulls have I spent sitting alone with mind starting to wander as I watch the sky darken behind the black land mass of Palos Verdes... And how many of those times have I asked myself, "What if P.V. was a giant wave lumbering towards me?" . Usually, the next thing I ask myself is, "Would I go right or left? But, before I can answer the absurdity of that proposition, I always move on to... "Forget that... What would I do to survive?" The immediate fight or flight scenarios imagined are: "Scratch for the shoulder?" Or, "Paddle to the beach and run for higher ground?" No matter the decision, a of wave of that size and proximity would outrun and prove either attempt futile. Still, you picture yourself surviving, somehow... . . . .
. . When I jokingly posted the "Sunny Disposition" Happy New Year's boob, I had no idea it would truly be a good omen... . I was on the injured list the entire month of December— so dry... vital organs verging on leather. Finally pulled myself off the bench at dark o'clock last Sunday morn for my first surf of 2009. Phone rang while getting my shit together to leave the house. Voice on the other end said, "V-1 will be waiting for you on the beach." I've been itchin' for a go on the Fineline 'V-1'— Displacement Hull with hard edge in tail and pulled in nose. A board model that Brian Hilbers still considers to be in the pubescent stages of design development— not ready for sales reproduction until it gets some more fine tuning. . Made it to the stomping grounds, and there she lay in the brisk mornin' air, faithfully waiting to heat things up between the cold sheets of winter surf: . . Center box options and bamboo love handles. . . Deceivingly dressed an innocent baby blue, but to ride her reveals a vixen... fast, loose, and easy. . . After about 2 hours together, I'd say the board is closer to the developmental stage of, say, "barely legal" than pubescent— It could easily fool any man of its immaturity. First sesh impression... She has the feeling of a D.Hull down the line, round turns off the top with the ease of a Planing Hull, and will let you throw some weight into her tail... if you're into that sort of thing... . . ...! . . .
. . A lovely little quote from the book, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, "Begin by knowing you have already arrived." Below, Jeff "Copper Dove" Beck travels to the desired destination as he makes his way out on ancient beginnings... . .. ...and arrives at the highly revered level of Pelecanus occidentalis. When the ancients shaped the first surfboard, did they realize they were building a time machine? Time flies... . . Alaia pictured, shaped by Copper Dove from Wegenerpaulownia blank. . . . .
. . WJ, taking some body/mind/spirit shit to the 'Nth level: . Disciplined pre-session stretch to release inner rainbow... .. ...and he instantaneously transcends time and space, Jonathan Livingston Seagull style, to a higher plane of existence at the other end. . . .
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"SQUARE ONE" Article by RK
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wanna laugh your ass off? click the dvd cover image to link to the ordering site.
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By RICHARD KENVIN (click image for link)
By RICHARD KENVIN (click image for link)
FOR SALE: Semi-Gun Thruster
$350: Never ridden: 7'0" x 17.7/8 x 2.5/16 G-FORCE shaped by GREG GIDDINGS, Pin Tail, Thruster (Futures), CLARK FOAM. Contact for more pics/details at: hellort@gmail.com