Wednesday, December 2, 2009


The day after shooting with Alex Gray... Shuster and I headed down south. Here's a cut of Shuster's water angle of Richard Kenvin on his Ekstrom Finless Earwig:



Graham said...

quite tight my friend

pranaglider said...

Indeed, the surfing, the photography, the music, the editing, all fantatic!

Dr. Robert said...

tight, also tapered.
very relaxing.

AFTA SHAKA said...

You guys are the Best, spearheading all the creative movement in thinking about, history of our board design the future of board design and showing us it,. R.K. and R. T. I believe you two are artists

R.T. said...

Really stoked you all like the cut— Thank you. HUGE props to Shuster and Kenvin.